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Friday, December 20, 2013

Dhcp client identifier configuration - debian

 On the DHCP client side, you want:

send dhcp-client-identifier "myhost";

in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf

and on the DHCP server side, you want:

host myhost {
           option dhcp-client-identifier "myhost";

in dhcp.conf/dhcpd.conf


/sbin/dhclient "eth0"

will send  Dhcp discover message to DHCP server with client-identifier as myhost in the option field of the DHCP packet

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Creating custom commands in Linux

1) Open ~/.bashrc

2) Add the following line 
alias start-working='sudo service apache2 start; sudo service mysql start; sublime'33

After saving the file reconfigure your bashrc
3) . ~/.bashrc

And check your new alias is loaded
4) alias

Thats it, you can start working now by running

5) start-working



Sometimes you are supposed to see junk characters when you are compiling
a code in putty terminal. Set the below variable

export LC_ALL="POSIX"

to avoid junk characters in compilation window

Th problem arises because of character encoding issues between console and putty terminal

To change the compilation path using custom command


alias set-path='cd /home/Desktop/Downloads/code/linux-source-3.2/'

just using the command set-path to switch the compilation path wherever you are

Omicron - people gathers in crowd

Amidst omicron thread, people are gathered in crowd at markets and public places to buy their daily needs. Because of full lockdown at Sunda...